Khazaradze Mucks at Showdown

Level 30: 50,000/100,000 (100,000) Entries: 47/5,799 Konstantinos Karkanidis opened for 250,000 from under the gun and Ivane Khazaradze defended his big blind for the two players to see the flop. Karkanidis check-called a bet of 220,000 on the flop by Khazaradze before check-calling again for 365,000 on the turn. The river completed the board and…

Zogografakis Completes Flush Draw

Level 30: 50,000/100,000 (100,000) Entries: 50/5,799 Defending Battle of Malta Main Event Champion Vasileios Zisis bet 375,000 on the on the flop with less than 1 million in the pot. Emmanouil Zografakis jammed for 2.1 million. Niccolo’ Cadoni tanked before he called, while Zisis folded. Emmanouil Zogofrafakis: Niccolo’ Cadoni: Cadoni had the top pair but…

Rockets for Iftimia

Level 30: 50,000/100,000 (100,000) Entries: 51/5,799 Alfonso Amendola opened for 225,000 from under the gun before Alexander Luciani jammed for a little less than 2 million from one seat over. Marius Iftimia went into the tank before he called off his stack of 1,450,000 when Amendola began shouting for Jack Bonora, who is doing a…

Play Slows Down, With 55 Left in Main Event

Level 30: 50,000/100,000 (100,000) Entries: 55/5,799 Its beginning to get serious in the Main Event with just 55 of the 5,799 players who started left in with a shot at the €300,800 first prize. The following players who finished in positions 56-71 all received €4,650. The next player out will get €5,050. Position Player Payout…

Petrou Holds With Cowboys

Level 29: 40,000/80,000 (80,000) Entries: 56/5,799 Berend Hooijer opened for 200,000 from middle position before Panagiotis Petrou called from one seat over. Benoit Kuhn three-bet to 625,000 from the hijack. Hooijer paused for a few moments before he folded, while Petrou opted to jam for 1,160,000. Kuhn snap-called and wished his opponent good luck. Panagiotis…

Bubble Bursts in Ladies Event

Today’s FLIP Ladies Event, which had a sizeable field of 121 starters, has just reached the in-the-money stage, with the remaining 17 players all guaranteed a min cash of at least €250. First prize is €3,860. Fantastic Ladies in Poker founder Daiva Byrne who is hosting the event, is still in, as is Gia Carnestrom,…

Straight for Khazaradze

Level 29: 40,000/80,000 (80,000) Entries: 57/5,799 Ivane Khazaradze bet 800,000 into a pot of a bit more with the on the board after the turn. Lorenzo Arduini check-called and checked again after the river completed the board. Khazaradze jammed for 990,000. Adruini quickly called and tabled the before quickly turning them upside down. Khazardadze tabled…