Zisis Takes an Early Leads in Heads-Up

Level 44:  1,000,000/2,500,000 (2,500,000) Entries: 2/5,799 Action already hot and heavy in the first hand of the heads-up play as Cosme Martinez completed with and Vasileios Zisis checked his option with . Zisis led out for 4,500,000, flopping big on a board, and Martinez called with middle pair. The turn completed a straight Greek’s and…

Head Up For the Title

With Farcasanu hitting the rail, we are now heads up for the title. Who will win the €255,800 first prize? Will we have a truly astonishing back-to-back champion in Vasileios Zisis, or will short stack ninja Gomez Martinez, relinquish the title from the defending champion?

Latest Chip Counts

The three remaining players returned from dinner break, but after 20-minutes of play, a technical issue with the stream forced a further 10-minute break. Farcasanu is now the short stack after losing a few small-medium sized pots. Vasileios Zisis – 88m Cosme Gomez Martinez – 83m Alexandru Farcasanu – 32m

Dinner Break in the Main Event

Soon after Alessandro Siena was taken out, the Battle of Malta Main Event has gone on a 75-minute dinner break. With three players left, the blinds will be reduced to 30-minutes after they return. At this stage Vasileios is still on track to go back-to-back.  The last three remaining players are currently huddled together, perhaps…

Martinez Doubles and Siena Drops to a Short Stack

Level 43:  1,000,000/1,500,000 (1,500,000) Entries: 4/5,799 In a blind vs. blind clash, Cosme Martinez completed his small blind, and Alessandro Siena raised to 5,000,000 after looking down at . Martinez took a minute before announcing an all-in, and Siena quickly called, putting Martinez at risk. Siena was still ahead on the flop and turn, needing…