Battle of the Rags

Level 39:  400,000/800,000 (800,000) Entries: 9/5,799 Action folded around to Shervin Ghassemlou, who completed his small blind with , and Vasileios Zisis checked his option with . The flop of missed both, Ghassemlou took a stab with 800,000, and Zisis called with J-high and some backdoor draws. With the on the turn, Ghassemlou opted to…

Martinez Doubles Up

Level 38:  300,000/600,000 (600,000) Entries: 9/5,799 Chip leader Vasileios Zisis raised to 1,200,000 from the middle position with . Cosme Martinez, the shortest stack at the final table, defended his big blind with , leaving less than a pot bet behind. Martinez flopped trips on a board of and elected to just check-call a 600,000…

Papadopoulos Pulls an Early Bluff

Level 38:  300,000/600,000 (600,000) Entries: 9/5,799 Kyriakos Papadopoulos raised the pot to 1,200,000 with from the early position, and Ivaylo Eftimov, one of the shortest stacks, defended his big blind with . The dealer revealed a flop of , putting Eftimov ahead, who quickly called Papadopoulos’ 800,000 continuation bet. The turn brought a , and…

First Pot of the Day to Ghassemlou

Level 38:  300,000/600,000 (600,000) Entries: 9/5,799 The day kicked off with Ivaylo Eftimov opening the pot to 1,300,000 with from the early position and getting a call from Shervin Ghassemlou in the big blind holding . A flop of gave both players top pair with Ghassemlou being ahead with an ace kicker. He checked-called the…