Dietrich Takes One Out

Level 4: 100/300 (300) Entries: 102/126 I arrived for the action with the flop already out reading with four players in action. Luca Lentini put out a bet of 500 that pushed a couple of people out of the hand, but Philippe Dietrich raised enough to put Lentini all in. He made the call with…

Chips Just Before Break

Level 4: 100/300 (300) Entries: 98/114 Among the players with stacks just before the first break is Josef Gulas Jr., winner of the 2021 WSOP Europe Main Event. He’s sitting with about 70k which looks to be the second biggest right now, though the numbers below are only estimates. Pavle Pecelj is the leader with…

Break Time

It’s time to get up and stretch as Day 1a is on its first 20-minute break. Blinds will increase to 100/300 with a 300 big blind ante when the action resumes. We will update shortly with some of the bigger stacks from around the room.

Stiedl Loses Short Stack to Deigner

Level 3: 100/200 (200) Entries: 96/103 Yvonne Stiedl and Marian Zemanek both checked with the on the board after the turn before Dominik Deigner bet 1,500 into a pot of 2,700. Stiedl called and Zemanek folded before the river completed the board. Stiedl checked again. Deigner jammed for more than the 5,500 Stiedl had behind.…

Barone In the House

Level 2: 100/100 (100) Entries: 92/95 Among the players in action today is Dario Barone, winner of the Battle of Malta back in the spring of this year. He’s been in the action from the start of the day today and is still sitting around his starting stack. He took down the spring event with…

Massimo Takes One Off Sapiano

Level 2: 100/100 (100) Entries: 87/87 This isn’t the first rodeo for United Kingdom’s Albert Sapiano at the Battle of Malta as he is well-known for providing action and fun at the tables. Sapiano chipped up a little bit before giving some back in the following hand against another well-known player in Malta in Massimo…

Archontakis Takes Big One on River

Level 2: 100/100 (100) Entries: 82/82 Grigorios Archontakis opened to 300 second to act, and he was called in two spots. The flop came and Archontakis fired 1,200 into the middle. That got rid of one player, but button Rares-Aurelian Bodea made it 3,000 to go. Archontakis made the call to see on the turn.…

Better Kicker for Pecelj

Level 1: 100/100 Entries: 58/58 Mirko Porcaro bet 1,100 into a pot of a bit more on the board. Pavle Pecelj jacked it up to 4,200 and Porcano went into the tank before calling less than a minute later. Pecelj turned over the for trip sevens. Porcano pushed his hand face down before opting to…