Watching Poker and Winning at Poker

Level 12: 1,000/1,500 (1,500) Entries: 252/799 Watching poker and playing poker doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. Over at Table 13, Marco Labate spent most of the day watching poker episodes on his phone. We just witnessed him increase his stack significantly while watching other people play poker on his phone. We arrived at his…

Marcello Caloro About Dealing Big Poker Games

The most important people in the casino are the dealers. Without a skilled and motivated team of dealers, no cash game and no tournament can run. Patrisha Rimfire met up with Marcello Caloro. He’s the senior Dealer Coordinator here at the Battle of Malta and shares his insights into running successful poker tournaments. Learn how…

Vieira Wins Massive Pot With a Set of Nines

Level 11: 600/1,200 (1,200) Entries: 272/799 It was a three-bet pot preflop when Cyril Vieira check-called a bet by Meir Vaqnin on the flop. Things got more interesting after the landed on the turn. Vieira led out for 9,000. Vaqnin jacked it up to 20,000. Vieira three-bet to 50,000. Vagnin four-bet shoved and Vagnin called…

Late Registration Closed on Day 1c

Level 11: 600/1,200 (1,200) Entries: 284/799 Players are back from dinner break, which means late registration has been closed. The Day 1c attracted a massive field of 799 entries with 284 players coming back from the dinner break to bring the total field up to 1,425 entries from the first three of five opening flights.…

Owl Protector

Dinner Break Chip Counts

Below are the biggest stacks we could find in the field. It looks like Romain Nardin and Angelo Onorato are the chip leaders now. Albert Keuftedjian, who is on his 5th bullet today finally managed to run his stack up and he’s among the big stacks as well. Name Chips Big Blinds Table Seat Romain…

Dinner Break

With the end of Level 10, all players of Main Event Flight 1c will go on a 75-minute dinner break. During this break, we will do our thing and count the biggest stacks. We will be right back!

Gediminas Dirmantas Plays it Carefully

Level 10: 600/1,200 (1,200) Entries: 289/795 Gediminas Dirmantas opened from middle position to 2.4k and Ahmed Abdulrahman called on the button. Flop: Dirmantas checked and Abdulrahman bet 5k. The bet was called. Turn: Both players checked. River: Gediminas Dirmantas checked once more and now Ahmed Abdulrahman slid out an 8k bet. Abdulrahman quickly called. Abdulrahman…

Rocco Ascia Hero Calls Vito La Barbera

Level 9: 600/1,200 (1,200) Entries: 313/795 Rocco Ascia opened from middle position with a min-raise and right behind him, Vito La Barbera called. All other players folded. Flop: Ascia bet 4k and La Barbera instantly called. Turn: Ascia fired another bet, 12k. And again La Barbera called without much hesitation. River: Now Ascia slowed down…