Counted Chips

Beg Remains in the Lead

While the players are on the break, we eyeballed their chips and those are the top counts: Name Chips Big Blinds Table Seat Apostol Beg 160,000 160 1 7 Marcus Larsson 150,000 150 5 7 Ronald Grant 145,000 145 3 5 Dario Minieri 145,000 145 14 9 Massimo Rizzoglio 135,000 135 5 2 Dimitrios Kilintaris…

Third Break

Players are on their third 20-minute break of Day 1a. The blinds will increase to 500/1,000 with a 1,000 big blind ante before moving up to 600/1,200 with a 1,200 big blind ante after that. A 75-minute dinner break will take place after these two levels and late registration will close after the dinner break.…

Lombardo Jams the Turn

Level 8: 400/800 (800)Entries: 141/257 There was 15,000 in the pot and the on the board when Humberto Galindo check-raised a bet of 3,400 by Simone Lombardo to 10,500. Lombardo called and Galindo fired out for 9,500 on the river. Lombardo went into the tank for close to a minute before he jammed for about…

Sahar Doubles Through Cechowski

Level 8: 400/800 (800) Entries: 141/257 At table 18, we just witnessed a rather large pot that saw Rotem Sahar (pictured in front) double up through Dylan Cechowski (pictured next to the dealer). We didn’t quite catch the action before the flop, but there was a raise, call, reraise and another call with Cechowski in…

“This Time I Had a Flush”

  Level 8: 400/800 (800) Entries: 147/252 Hassan Nima four-bet to 12,000 from the cutoff and was called by Antoine Talvard from the big blind. Talvard check-called a bet of 5,500 on the flop by Nima before both players opted to check the turn. Talvard paused for a few moments after the river paired the…

Mystery Bounty

Mystery Bounty Round Two (or 1b)

Hold onto your seats as the electrifying second round of the Mystery Bounty Tournament is just moments away! While the first flight of the knockout extravaganza is still in full swing, brace yourself for the adrenaline-pumping flight 1B of the legendary Battle of Malta Mystery Bounty Event, kicking off at 7 pm sharp! With a…

Ilyaev Raul Rivers a Flush

Level 7: 300/600 (600) Entries: 156/252 Ilyaev Raul opened from MP to 1,600. In the CO Leonardo Berti called and on the Button Stanislas Fridman called as well. The flop came down and after the initial raiser checked, Berti bet out 2.6. Fridman folded and Raul called the bet. The turn was checked by Raul…

Set of Treys for Cilia

Level 7: 300/600 (600) Entries: 156/250 Stanislovas Vinicenka effectively jammed into a pot of more than 20,000 with the on the board. Roberto Cilia paused for about 25 seconds before he called off his stack of 16,800. Vinicenka turned over the for top two pair. Despite being a strong hand, it wasn’t strong enough as…