Level 23: 10,000/25,000 (25,000)
Entries: 38/1,992
Roberto Caprio jammed with the 8♣3♥3♠6♣T♠ on the board. Dylan Cechowski went into the tank for a bit before the clock was called on him.
Cechowski announced a call as time was about to run out and likely wishes he folded. Caprio turned over the K♥K♦ for two pair with an overpair on the board.
“Nice hand,” Cechowski said to Caprio as he turned over the J♦8♠ for a lower two pair.
Meanwhile, Erez Hen hit the rail moments later to leave just 38 hopefuls battling for the prestigious title.
Roberto Caprio – 1.5 million
Dylan Cechowski – 0
Erez Hen – 0

Dylan Cechowski out in 40th Place