Level 12: 1,000/1,500 (1,500)
Entries: 232/799
There was a bit of betting going with not much in the pot preflop on the 6♣2♦3♥ flop when we caught up with the hand with Mateusz Pawlowski committed his stack of 24,000 against Henriques Pereira.
Mateusz Pawlowski: 3♦3♣
Henriques Pereira: A♥6♥
Pawlowski was miles ahead but Pereira still had slim hopes of getting ahead with a pair of runners. One of those runners came on the A♣ turn giving him a four-outer to a full house. Not that Pawlowski needed it, as all but four cards in the deck were safe, but the table erupted after the 3♠ landed on the river for Pawlowski to ultimately double with quads.
Mateusz Pawlowski – 60,000
Henriques Pereira – 40,000

Mateusz Pawlowski