Level 28: 40,000/80,000 (80,000)
Entries: 35/3,432
Salvatore Ritrovato battled strong throughout the day but just hit the rail on a flip. He jammed his short stack with T♦T♠ and was looking good for a while against the A♦J♦ held by Raoul van Wersch.
Everything was rosy for Ritrovato on the 8♠9♦2♠ flop as well as on the Q♠ turn. The T♠ river improved Ritrovato to a set. There was just one problem as their also improved van Wersch to a straight to send Ritrovato to the rail.
Raoul van Wersch – 4 million
Salvatore Ritrovato – 0

Raoul van Wersch sits at 4 million