Level 9: 500/1000 (1000)
Entries: 130/295
Wim De Leeuw opened with a limp from the middle and three other players came along to the flop of 4♥5♠7♥. After a check from Luca Capostagno in the small blind, big blind Leendert Nederlof bet 2,000. De Leeuw and Alfredo Cuti folded but Capostagno called. They both checked through the 6♠Q♥ turn and river and Nederlof took it down with five-four for two pair on the flop.
Wim De Leeuw – 30,000
Leendert Nederlof – 82,000
Luca Capostagno – 90,000
Alfredo Cuti – 65,000

Leendert Nederlof