Livello 1000/1500/1500
272/744 entries
Apre da utg1 call Stavros Petychakis da hijack e Artur Sarata da big blind
Flop: 3♥ 6♦ 8♦, check, check, 4.000 Petychakis, call di Sarata e fold.
Turn: 2♦ check, 7000 chips e call.
River: 7♣ Tanka un po’ e fa check Sarata. Petychakis value betta 25.000 lasciandosi dietro 9bb. Ancora tank del maltese e alla fine passa lasciandosi 150.000 di stack mentre Petychakis sale a 60.000 chips.

Stavros Petychakis
Level 1000/1500/1500
272/744 entries
Utg1 open 3.000 chips, call Stavros Petychakis from hijack and Artur Sarata from big blind
Flop: 3♥ 6♦ 8♦, check, check, 4,000 Petychakis, Sarata calls and folds BB.
Turn: 2♦ check, 7000 chips and call.
River: 7♣ Tanks a bit and checks Sarata. Petychakis valuebet 25,000 leaving behind 9bb. Still tanking from the Maltese and in the end he passes leaving 150,000 in stack while Petychakis rises to 60,000 chips.