Livello 1.000/1.500/1.500
120/359 entries
In bvb completa Giuseppe Rosa da small blind e Andreas Putz opta per il check.
Flop: A♦ K♣ J♥, check to check
Turn: 5♠, punta un buio Rosa e call Putz
River: 5♥ over potta 9.000 Rosa e gioca Putz!
Rosa gira 5♦ 9♥ e Putz muck. L’ex winner del Battle of Malta sale oltre 60.000 chips ancora lontano dalla media torneo.
In bvb Giuseppe Rosa completed from the small blind and Andreas Putz check.
Flop: A♦ K♣ J♥, check to check
Turn: 5♠, bet a blind Pink and call Putz
River: 5♥ over bets 9,000 Rosa and Putz calls!
Rosa table 5♦ 9♥ and Putz mucks. The former winner of the Battle of Malta climbs over 60,000 chips, still far from the tournament average.