Day 1B Chip Counts

Day 1B finished with 54 players in the money, who all bagged their chips for Day 2. The second flight of the BoM Main Event got 358 entries, 18 levels, and almost 15 hours of action between the players. The bubble was played hand-for-hand and Lyanyi Lu was the unlucky player who bubbled against Christopher…

Jianyi Lu Bubbles Day 1B

Level 18: 3000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 55/358 Jianyi Lu was already getting involved in pots near the bubble and once again he raised from an early position to 18,000, Massimo Bruno called right behind him and Cristopher Grech spiced up the pot with a three-bet to 55,000. Jianyi Lu didn’t even wait for the player on…

Angotti Falls Short

Level 18: 3000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 57/358 Alessandro Angotti shoved his last 3 and a half blinds with his pocket threes under the gun and got called by the player on the big blind – Fabio Prinari who turned . Prinari paired his jack on the flop and held it through turn and river. Angotti finishes…

The Day 2 Killer River

Level 17: 2000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 62/358 Santo Sidoti and Sebastian Berres were heads-up on the river. Sidoti checked on the board and Berres shoved for 121,000 into a pot that was about 90,000. Sidoti had a lot of time to think and ended up calling. His opponent showed set of sixes that crushed his pair…

Irmantas Walks Out

Level 17: 2000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 64/358 Rulis Ermantas announced an all-in from the small blind after a limp from an early position and wasn’t happy when Leonidas Georgopoulos called him from the big blind, the limper folded and both went to showdown. Rulis Ermantas: Leonidas Georgopoulos: The Greek had Ermantas dominated and the player at…

Vanni-Parednis cooler! Simonas up to 400k chips!

Livello 2.000/5.000/5.000 64/359 entries Apre da bottone Simonas Parednis 12.000 chips e da big blind 3bet 40.000 di Alessio Vanni. 4bet jam dal bottone e snap call Vanni! Vanni: Parednis: Il board non regala speranze al player italiano che ha uno stack di circa 200.000 chips leggermente inferiore a quello di Parednis che vince, elimina…

“I’ll Give You Your Double-Up”

Level 16: 2000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 74/358 Joao Caetano opened the pot from the hijack and Dominik Asztemborski shoved his last 15,5 big blinds which Caetano called after saying “Alright, i’ll give you your double up”, “You’ve been waiting for that”. Dominik Asztemborski: Joao Caetano: Caetano’s better ace managed to hold through the board and it…

Chip Stack Update On Last 77 Players

The break is over and it’s time for players to return to the tables. 77 will be fighting in the last few levels for a spot in Day 2. Check their chip counts below: Leonidas Georgopoulos 420,000 Patrick Pedersen 354,000 Kristian Dahl 320,000 Artur Gjoka 317,000 Massimo Bruno 275,000 Antonio Siracusano 262,000 Tomas Kolarik 255,000…