Livello 1.000/1.500/1.500
122/359 entries
Apre 3.600 chips da utg Marco Meisser e snap call Antonino Calabrò alla sua sinistra da utg1. All fold
Flop: 7♥ 2♣ 6♦, cbet 1600 e call Calabrò.
Turn: 7♠ check to check
River: 3♣ over pot 15000 chips Meisser. Ci pensa un po’ Antonino e poi posa una chip nera sul tavolo: call!
Meisser: Q♣ 9♣
Calabrò: A♦ 2♦
Calabrò vola sopra average 88.000 e crolla super short il player maltese.
Level 1,000/1,500/1,500
122/359 entries
Opens 3,600 chips from utg Marco Meisser and snap call Antonino Calabrò to his left from utg1. All fold
Flop: 7♥ 2♣ 6♦, cbet 1600 and Calabrò call.
Turn: 7♠ check to check
River: 3♣ over pot 15000 Meisser chips. Antonino thinks about it for a while and then places a black chip on the table: call!
Meisser: Q♣ 9♣
Calabrò: A♦ 2♦
Calabrò flies above average 88,000 and the Maltese player collapses super short.