Huge One For Stevanovic

Level 15: 1500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 45/201 With already 40,000 in the middle on a flop, the action was heads-up on the turn between Boban Stevanovic (pictured below) and Benedickt Wenzel. Wenzel checked and Stevanovic put in a 19,500 bet, which his opponent called. To the river and once again Wenzel checked and Stevanovic made a…

Cappiello up to 310.000 chip with nines!

Livello 1.500/3.000/3.000 46/201 entries Candido Cappiello vuole prendere il volo e prima splitta AK vs AK contro uno short. Poi arriva l’apertura da middle position di Cappiello per 6.000 e il call di Erik Eisen da big blind Flop: check Eisen, cbet 8500 chip Cappiello e call. Turn: , check ancora del tedesco, Cappiello 2barrell…

Hoang Is At Risk

Level 15: 1500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 48/201 Open from Marko Luksa (pictured below) and all-in from Alan Hoang who had only 13 blinds left on the cutoff. A quick call from Luksa and Hoang was now at risk. Alan Hoang: Marko Luksa: A flip at first sight up until the flop when Luksa hit his set…

Skucas Keeps Building

Level 14: 1000/2,500 (2,500) Entries: 53/201 To the flop, three players were involved in the pot. Original raiser Audrius Skucas bet 5,500 and only Luke Pace called from the button. Both players checked on the turn and we saw the last card – which didn’t seem to change much but Skucas bet big on it,…

Vidar Oie Gets The Better Of It

Level 14: 1000/2,500 (2,500) Entries: 63/201 Vidar Oie opened from the pot to 5,500 and Vittorio Bevilacqua put his tournament life on the line for his remaining 44,500 chips, everyone else folded and Oie made the call. Vidar Oie: Vittorio Bevilacqua: flop gave Bevilacqua a lot of outs, as he was drawing to the nut…

Tipping disaster but Hyyppae stops him with Kings!

Livello 1.000/2.000/2.000 67/201 entries Al tavolo 9 va in scena lo show di Leslie Reece Tipping che al terzo tentativo elimina Pavel Pudlowski non prima di averlo fatto raddoppiare e di aver regalato chips anche a Sarunas Linkius. Sale oltre le 200.000 chips ma poi arriva Robin Hyyppae che gli dimezza lo stack ma rimane…