Perra Piles In Chips

Level 15: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 173/747 Domenico Casamassima opened for 6,500 chips from the hijack before Enrico Perra jammed all-in for 34,500 on the button. Big blind Mindaugas Kriauciunas then four-bet shoved over the top, which forced Casamassima out of the pot and led to a heads-up showdown. Enrico Perra: Mindaugas Kriauciunas: Perra hit a…

Vella “Finally” Wins

Level 15: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 178/747 With 30,000 chips already in the middle, Ernestas Degtiariovas’ stack of 60,000 chips went in on a flop of from under the gun. His opponent was Mark Vella in middle position, who had the covering stack. Ernestas Degtiariovas: Mark Vella: It was nearly the best-case scenario for Degtiariovas, whose…

Thamotharam Finds Double at Last Second

Level 15: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 189/747 Varun Thamotharam jammed all-in from early position for 28,000 chips and the action folded to Adrian Panko in the big blind, who asked for a count and then made the call. Varun Thamotharam: Adrian Panko: Panko nodded his head as the runout saw Thamotharam win with top pair. He…

Abel-Kader Doubles Through Montagno

Level 14: 1,000/2,500 (2,500) Entries: 203/747 Gaetano Montagno and Mohamed Abdel-Kader arrived on a flop of . With some chips already in the pot, the stacks flew in the middle, with Abdel-Kader’s 92,000 chips being at risk. Mohamed Abdel-Kader: Gaetano Montagno: The turn left Montagno drawing dead against Abdel-Kader’s set of jacks, and the river…

Zisis Takes Revenge; Loses Chunk Straight After

Level 14: 1,000/2,500 (2,500) Entries: 213/747 Not long after the previous hand between Vasileios Zisis and Antonio Pirrone, the latter’s chips had ended up in the former’s stack, making Zisis the far-and-about chipleader in the field. He used those newly acquired chips to raise his small blind to 8,000, after which Yuet Wong three-bet to…

Pirrone Takes Some of Zisis’ Chips

Level 14: 1,000/2,500 (2,500) Entries: 222/747 Antonio Pirrone made a bet of 16,000 out of the big blind on a board of in a pot 45,000 chips. His opponent was big stack Vasileios Zisis in early position, who made the call. The river was then checked by both players, and Pirrone showed down for an…

Bono is good with kicker!

Livello 1.000/2.000/2.000 247/747 entries Apre 6.000 chips utg Simone Silvestri e gioca Robert Smith da utg1. Entra anche Francesco Bono da cutoff. Flop: open jam di Silvestri 32.500 chips, passa utg1 e call per poco più di 20.000 Bono. Silvestri: Bono: Turn subito maledetto per Silvestri e river che non ribalta nuovamente la situazione. Bono…

Panko Pounces On Ougier

Level 13: 1,000/2,000 (2,000) Entries: 254/747 Theodore Ougier jammed all in for 22,000 from the cutoff and was called by big stack Adrian Panko in the big blind. Theodore Ougier: Adrian Panko: Panko was the only one to pair on , and he sent Ougier out to increase his stack even further. Adrian Panko –…

Final Day 1c Numbers

Throughout Day 1c, 747 entries were made. Still battling are 254 players, while only 112 of them will bag and tag for Day 2 and secure a min-cash. Nel corso del Day 1c sono stati effettuati 747 ingressi. Sono ancora in lotta 254 giocatori, mentre solo 112 di loro imbusteranno per il Day 2 e…