A Look at Today’s Schedule

Today promises to be an action-packed day filled with a variety of thrilling tournaments that will test the mettle of the players. So, fasten your seatbelts and join us as we explore the lineup of tournaments set to take place at the Battle of Malta today. 11pm: Mystery Bounty Day 1c Kicking off the day’s…

Day 1b Ignites the Battle of Malta

Welcome to the electrifying world of the highly acclaimed “Battle of Malta” tournament! Today, the spotlight shines brightly on Day 1b, where a fresh wave of players will descend upon the captivating battleground in pursuit of fame, fortune, and the ultimate poker triumph. At the stroke of 1 pm, the cards will take flight, signaling…

Official End of Day Counts

After all players bagged their chips, those are the official counts of the 41 surviving players: Name Chips Big Blinds Antoine Talvard 691,000 138 Dario Minieri 605,500 121 Pachalis Papadopoulos 459,500 92 Vitale Raffaele 373,000 75 Giulio Di Salvo 335,500 67 Francesco Ipogino 296,000 59 Rob Hendrikx 259,500 52 Fabio Peluso 253,500 51 Marcus Larsson…

Arbel Hason Bubbles in Brutal Fashion

Level 16: 2,500/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 41/273 After a few hands in hand for hand mode Arbel Hason was the first bubble boy of the Battle of Malta Main Event. He was all-in with against Flaviano Cammisuli who was way behind with . But the dealer fanned , giving Cammisuli a set to beat Hason. All…

Konstantinos Kertikidis Left Gobsmacked

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 45/273 We rarely report hands without a showdown, but we just witnessed a rather unusual fold by Konstantinos Kertikidis. We missed the action before and on the flop, but with 120k in the middle the board on the turn read . Konstantinos Kertikidis, who sat in the Small Blind, shoved…

Audrius Laimelis Finds Aces and Doubles

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 47/273 Our chip leader Antoine Talvard was moved to Table 8 with over 600k chips. After a player in middle position opened, he made it 20k from the button. In the Small Blind Audrius Laimelis moved all-in for 60k and after the initial raiser folded, the action was back on…

Digrys Picks Off Lindqwist

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 48/273 While the bubble is looming, over at Table 10, the Swede Erik Lindqwist lost a blind vs. blind pot against Egidijus Digrys. It was folded to Digrys in the Small Blind and he just completed the bet. Lindqwist checked. Flop: – Digrys bet 4k and Lindqwist called. Turn: –…

Last Break, Talvard Still in Front

The players are on a break and we took a look at the largest stacks. Antoine Talvard is still in the lead with almost half a million chips, but several other players are also past the quarter million mark already. Name Chips Big Blinds Table Seat Antoine Talvard 480,000 160 4 7 Giulio Di Salvo…

Talvard Adds to His Enormous Stack

Level 13: 1,000/2,000 (2,000) Entries: 60/273 Over at Table Four, Antoine Talvard has the chip lead in this flight so far. We just saw him increase his stack a wee bit against Bram Berkvens. Talvard opened from UTG to 4k and Berkvens made it 12k from the Button. Talvard called and the flop came down…

Modenese Races Out the Door

Level 12: 1,000/1,500 (1,500) Entries: 67/273 Over at Table Eight, Gianluca Modenese was down to 13k and moved all-in from early position with . It was folded to Audrius Laimelis in the big blind who quickly called with . The board came – plenty of low cards and no help for Modenese’s Ace King in…