Day 1A Chip Counts

Day 1A finished with 30 players in the money, who all bagged their chips for Day 2. The first flight of the BoM Main Event got 201 entries and 17 levels of action between the players. The bubble didn’t take long, but the day sure did as the players battled it out for 14 hours.…

Aspen Oeye Bubbles Day 1A

  Level 17: 2000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 31/201 Unlucky run for Aspen Oeye after he lost a massive pot with AQ against QQ earlier. He put his few remaining blinds all in with and got called by pocket Kings. Nothing helped Oeye on the board and he ended up bubbling the tournament. All of the remaining…

Cuti beats Papadoupolos with Aces!

Level 16: 2000/5,000/5,000 Entries: 36/201 Limpa da middle position Alfredo Cuti. Da bottone Candido Cappiello rilancia a 20.000 chips ma da small blind Paschalis Papadoupolous 3betta all in per 58.000 gettoni. Cuti 4bet jam per isolare e passa serenissimo Cappiello. Cuti: Papadoupolus: Si apre un flush draw sul board con tre fiori ma il greco…

Unlucky Flip For Sposato

Level 17: 2000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 35/201 A big one was played between Gaspare Sposato and Toni Ravnak after Sposato re-raised the button player to 30,000 chips. Ravnak was sitting on the big blind and four-bet to 66,000 followed by a fold and an all-in from Sposato for around 170,000. Gaspare Sposato: Toni Ravnak: What a…

Aces Are No Good For Colucci

Level 17: 2000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 37/201 Gaspare Sposato started the action with a limp from under the gun, followed by a raise by Toni Ravnak to 20,000 and an all-in from Giammarco Colucci (pictured below) for his remaining 23,000 chips on the button. Both Sposato and Ravnak called and went to the flop. The was…

Degtiariovas In Danger

Level 16: 2000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 40/201 Akser Osak (pictured below) opened the pot from the cutoff, Martynas Lalas called on his left right before a re-raise by Jokubas Jancevicius to 26,000 and an all-in from Ernestas Degtiariovas from the big blind for 63,000. Osak looked like he was deciding to just call or shove his…

Chiplead Pot ALERT!

Level 16: 2000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 45/201 A monster pot was played between Espen Oeye and Michal Janczarski. Janczarski raised and got three-bet by Oeye to 23,000, everyone folded and action was back to the original raiser. Not long after Janczarski slowly pushed all of his stack in the middle (176,000). Very tough decision for Oeye…

Top 10 stacks In Day 1A

Check out some of the biggest stacks in Day 1A with only 45 players left: Players Chip Count Big Blinds Rune Polden 290,000 72 Gabriele Cappiello 280,000 70 Alfredo Cuti 265,000 66 Espen Oeye 260,000 65 Jokubas Jancevicius 235,000 59 Boban Stevanovic 225,000 56 Rytis Pranarauskas 211,000 53 Marko Luksa 195,000 49 Filippo Busatto 180,000…