Rebai Hits Set to Ship Seven-Figure Pot

Level 21: 6,000/12,000 (12,000) Entries: 105/1,814 Massimo Degiorgi checked on a completed board of . Mehdi Rebai followed suit before Vitalii Shcherba jammed all-in, covering both of his opponents. Degiorgi quickly folded but Rebai slammed his stack of 277,000 into the pot of 350,000. Shcherba showed for a missed flush draw, and Rebai triumphantly tabled…

The Ladies Were Not Kind To Teti

Level 21: 6,000/12,000 (12,000) Entries: 107/1,814 Chips were flying on table number 8 after an early raise from Nicola Ciraolo and an all-in from the small blind by Vincenzo Teti for his last 20 blinds. The snap call from Ciraolo didn’t look like good news for Teti’s as his opponent turned up with and had…

Navickas Sends Two in the Tank

Level 21: 6,000/12,000 (12,000) Entries: 107/1,814 Michal Janczarski opened from middle position for 24,000 chips and huge stack Vasileios Zisis three-bet to 80,000 in the cutoff. The action folded to Ignas Navickas in the big blind, who jammed all-in for 500,000 chips. Janczarski took a couple of minutes before finding a fold, while Zisis took…

Papadopoulos monster pot with Queens, Jounneau muck!

Livello 6.000/12.000/12.000 112/1.814 entries Apre 25.000 da under the gun Alexander Papadopoulos e chiamano Lucien Jounneau da cutoff e Luke Pace da big blind. Flop: check, check, 35.000 di Lucien, passa il grande buio e gioca Papadopoulos. Turn: check, 90.000 second barrel pesante ancora di Jounneau e call dell’utg. River: check e check behind e…

Day 1A Chip Leader Busts

Level 21: 6,000/12,000 (12,000) Entries: 112/1,814 Vidar Oie who was the chip leader of Day 1A with a 566,000 stack got up from his seat after he shoved roughly 10 blinds with from the small blind and got called by Feliks Kreft on the big with . The had Oie drawing very thin and he…

Burneikis Books Nice Double-Up

Level 21: 6,000/12,000 (12,000) Entries: 112/1,814 Vladas Burneikis open-jammed for 69,000 chips from early position and was called by Yuet Wong in the big blind. Vladas Burneikis: Yuet Wong: The flop helped neither player, but Burneikis received some taps on the table when he locked up the pot on the turn. The river was useless…

Mastrosimone makes a MaestroBluffone

Level 20: 5,000/10,000 (10,000) Entries: 117/1,814 Andre Nesse and Alessio Mastrosimone were left heads-up on a board on which Nesse was first to act and he checked. Mastrosimone didn’t hesitate to put 500,000 in the middle into a 150,000 pot and make his opponent play for everything on the river. Nesse had a lot of…

Navarro Does a No-Look

Level 20: 5,000/10,000 (10,000) Entries: 117/1,814 Paolo Navarro raised to 24,000 from the hijack before Adrian Panko three-bet jammed for 108,000 on the button. Navarro asked for a count and made the call after a little thinking time. Adrian Panko: Paolo Navarro: The flop meant some outs were switched, but none came in on the…

Ding Hero Calls Frenn

Level 20: 5,000/10,000 (10,000) Entries: 119/1,814 Nico Frenn and Jianbo Ding were heads-up on a completed board of . Frenn sat in the big blind and jammed his stack of 140,000 in the middle, around the size of the pot. Ding mulled on his decision for a while, but eventually counted out the chips and…