Not Everyone Loves A Chop Pot

Level 19: 4,000/8,000(8,000) Entries: 142/1814 Adrian Hemmert jammed his last 141,000 and got called by Greece’s Nikolaos Mastrantonas and action was upon Alessio Mastrosimone on the big, he looked like he had a tough decision, but folded his hand. Both players revealed their hands and Hemmert was hoping to double up and saw the same…

Koppitz Runs Kings Into Aces

Level 19: 4,000/8,000 (8,000) Entries: 148/1,814 Marko Luksa raised to 16,000 from under the gun before Enrico Perra made a small three-bet to 32,000 on the button. Patrick Koppitz then four-bet to 74,000 and only Perra made the call. Koppitz inquired after Perra’s stack when the flop fell, which amounted to 259,000 chips. Koppitz then…

More Eliminations

Place Player Prize 160 Pawel Pudlowski €1,250 161 Pavlos Benakis €1,250 162 James Mercieca €1,250 163 Flaviano Cammisuli €1,250 164 Antonio Siracusano €1,250 165 Raimondo Marcello €1,250 166 Grigoris Kyriazi €1,250 167 Raducu-Constantin Munteanu €1,250 168 Patrik Karabincik €1,250 169 Klaudijus Bajoras €1,250 170 Francis Vandendriessche €1,250 171 Joseph Grech €1,250 172 Mantas Ungulaitis €1,250…

Matias’s Shove Was Not Welcomed

Level 19: 4,000/8,000(8,000) Entries: 152/1814 Joa Matias limp shoved from the small blind after Sokratis Papavramidis raised him to 30,000 from the big blind. Fairly fast call from Papavramidis after a brief count of Matias’s 190,000 stack. Joa Matias: Sokratis Papavramidis: Matias was quite behind after the 7h] flop and needed a backdoor flush or…

Spidridon Stays Alive

Level 18: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 155/1,814 Jokubas Jancevicius raised to 12,000 from the cutoff and Nikolaou Spidridon three-bet jammed for 85,000 on the button. Salvatore Saracino made the call in the big blind and Jancevicius got out of the way. Nikolaou Spidridon: Salvatore Saracino: The flop gave both players a set, and both were upgraded…

Braco Builds With Aces

Level 18: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 157/1,814 Pasquale Braco had opened under the gun when Nikolaos Mastrantonas three-bet from the next seat over. Braco made the call and a flop of appeared on the table. Mastrantonas continued for 46,000 chips and Braco check-called. On the turn, Mastrantonas put Braco all-in for his final 95,000 chips and…

Only Two Ladies Left In Day 2

Yuri Ishida and Bixi Yao are the only two ladies left on Day 2 of our Main Event. Japan’s Yuri Ishida is an experienced poker player with more than 700,000$ in total live earnings. She has been traveling throughout the world playing some of the best poker events around. Can Malta become an even better…

Ding Nears Million After Huge Pot

Level 18: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 157/1,814 Jianbo Ding, Antonio Merone, and Flaviano Cammisuli were staring at a completed board of . Ding made a bet of 160,000 from the small blind into a pot of 315,000, after which Merone folded from the big blind. Cammisuli, however, jammed all-in for 315,000 and Ding snap-called. Cammisuli turned…

Frenn double up with straight on the flop!

Livello 3000/6000/6000 166/272 Apre 12.000 da utg1 Rosario Saddemi e chiama hijack Sebastien Vincendeau e il big blind Nico Frenn. Flop: check, check, 22.000 Vincendeau e call Frenn. Saddemi decide di rilanciare a 65.000. Fold dell’hijack e 3bet jam di Frenn per 109.000 totali. Call Saddemi. Saddemi: Frenn: Scala floppata e tuen e che non…