Unscheduled Break

The final four players are taking a spontaneous ten-minute break before the play resumes. Gli ultimi quattro giocatori fanno una pausa spontanea di dieci minuti prima di riprendere il gioco.

Filippo Busatto Eliminated in 5th Place (€26,700)

Level 33: 100,000/200,000 (200,000) Entries: 4/1,814 Daniel Maunders raised his button to 700,000 before Filippo Busatto jammed all-in from the small blind for 3,800,000. Maunders immediately called to put Busatto at risk. Filippo Busatto: Daniel Maunders: The flop brought Busatto a wheel draw, but the turn diminished the five to a chop out. It did…

Nico Frenn Eliminated in 6th Place (€21,050)

Level 33: 100,000/200,000 (200,000) Entries: 5/1,814 Nico Frenn went all-in for 2,800,000 from the button and was snap called by Vasileios Zisis in the big blind. Nico Frenn: Vasileios Zisis: It was a dire situation for Frenn, and it became only more so on the runout. No “Barry” came on the river and Frenn headed…

Maunders Leads With the Lead Once More

Level 33: 100,000/200,000 (200,000) Entries: 6/1,814 Filippo Busatto raised to 400,000 in the hijack with , Jan-Joost van den Bogert called on the button with , and chipleader Daniel Maunders came along in the big blind with . Maunders did what is becoming his signature move led out on a flop of for 600,000 chips,…

Chipleaders Wage War

Level 33: 100,000/200,000 (200,000) Entries: 6/1,814 Vasileios Zisis raised to 400,000 from under the gun with and received a call from Daniel Maunders on the button, who was playing . The flop was dealt and saw Zisis continue for 300,000. Maunders then raised to 900,000, which marked the end of the pot as Zisis quickly…

Giuseppe Rosa Eliminated in 7th Place (€16,500)

Level 33: 100,000/200,000 (200,000) Entries: 6/1,814 Giuseppe Rosa looked down at his cards in the cutoff and raised to 400,000. Daniel Maunders defended his big blind before the two players saw the flop appear on the felt, which they both checked. Maunders led out for 200,000 chips and Rosa made the call. The river then…

Level 33: 100,000/200,000 (200,000) Entries: 7/1,814 Daniel Maunders raised to 500,000 in middle position and big blind Jan-Joost van den Bogert called. The flop fell and Van den Bogert checked to Maunders. Maunders put his opponent all-in and an instant call followed from Van den Bogert for 1,400,000 as the players showed down. Jan-Joost van…

Zisis Best Three-Way

Level 32: 75,000/150,000 (150,000) Entries: 7/1,814 Nico Frenn looked down at under the gun and raised it up to 300,000. Vasileios Zisis then called in the hijack with and big blind Daniel Maunders also tossed in chips with . Everyone flopped something on , but all three players checked it through. On the turn, the…

Van den Bogert Gets It Through

Level 32: 75,000/150,000 (150,000) Entries: 7/1,814 Alfredo Cuti raised to 300,000 as first to act with , which Daniel Maunders called in the next seat over with . Short stack Jan-Joost van den Bogert then defended the big blind with and the three players saw a flop of . Van den Bogert committed the rest…