Zisis Takes Off With Rockets

Level 37: 250,000/500,000 (500,000) Entries: 2/1,814 Vasileios Zisis found on the button and raised to 1,500,000 chips. Daniel Maunders defended his in the big blind and a flop of graced the felt. Maunders continued his signature play and led out for 1,000,000 chips, but Zisis raised to 3,000,000 with his overpair. Maunders paid the extra…

Heads-Up Underway

Daniel Maunders and Vasileios Zisis have taken their seats and, with the eye-catching trophy placed in the middle of the table, the cards are back in the air. Daniel Maunders e Vasileios Zisis hanno preso posto e, con l’appariscente trofeo posto al centro del tavolo, le carte sono di nuovo in gioco.

Dinner Break

Vasileios Zisis and Daniel Maunders have decided to take a 65-minute dinner break before they commence heads-up play. The blog will continue around 9:30 p.m. local time. Vasileios Zisis e Daniel Maunders hanno deciso di fare una pausa cena di 65 minuti prima di iniziare il gioco heads-up. Il blog continuerà intorno alle 21:30 ora…

Zisis Down After Kicker Problems

Level 36: 200,000/400,000 (400,000) Entries: 3/1,814 Vasileios Zisis raised to 800,000 on the button with , after which Daniel Maunders defended his big blind with . The flop then emerged from the deck, whereon Zisis continued for 700,000 chips and Maunders check-called. Zisis sized up to 2,000,000 on the turn and another check-call followed from…

Maunders Knocks Van den Bogert Back Down

Level 36: 200,000/400,000 (400,000) Entries: 3/1,814 Jan-Joost van den Bogert raised to 1,000,000 in the small blind with before Daniel Maunders called in the big blind with . Van den Bogert then continued for 800,000 on the flop and called a subsequent raise to 1,800,000 from Maunders. Maunders kept firing his king-high on the turn,…

Zisis Squeezis Light

Level 35: 150,000/300,000 (300,000) Entries: 3/1,814 Jan-Joost van den Bogert raised to 600,000 on the button with and Daniel Maunders came along in the small blind with . Vasileios Zisis looked down at in the big blind and decided to pile in 2,000,000 chips. Van den Bogert then jammed all-in with his pocket nines and…

Van den Boogert Crosses Seven Figures

Level 35: 150,000/300,000 (300,000) Entries: 3/1,814 Vasileios Zisis raised to 600,000 on the button with before Jan-Joost van den Boogert made it 1,800,000 to go in the small blind with . A quick fold followed from Zisis, and Van den Boogert took down the pot preflop. Vasileios Zisis – 18,000,000 Jan-Joost van den Boogert –…

Maunders Creates Gap

Level 35: 150,000/300,000 (300,000) Entries: 3/1,814 Daniel Maunders limped in from the small blind with and Vasileios Zisis checked his option in the big blind with . Maunders then check-called a bet of 450,000 from Zisis on the flop before doing the same for the 1,100,000 bet Zisis made on the turn. The river then…