Main Event by the Numbers

Below you can find the entry numbers for the two completed flights. Flight Entries Survivors Average % Advanced Chip Leader Chips Big Blinds Day 1a 273 41 166,463 15.0% Antoine Talvard 691,000 115 Day 1b 353 53 166,509 15.0% David Oezmen 377,000 63 Day 1c Day 1d turbo Day 1e turbo Total 626 94 199,787…

End of Day 1b Counts

Below are the chip counts after Day 1b: Name Chips Big Blinds David Oezmen 377,000 63 Maceo Fryda 374,000 62 Carsten Mawick 353,000 59 Andrea Mussumarra 326,500 54 Kurt Kofler 315,000 53 Junyu Liu 314,000 52 Modestas Kryzanauskas 311,000 52 Stanislovas Vinicenka 309,500 52 Fabian Rolli 305,000 51 Boban Stevanovic 288,000 48 Gytis Lazauninkas 282,000…

Eliyahu Yamin Bubbles Day 1b

Level 16: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 53/353 The hand-for-hand mode of the bubble only lasted two hands. While nothing happened during the first hand, the second hand saw an all-in and a call at Table 12. Eliyahu Yamin was all-in with against Carsten Mawick with . The board fell and just like that Eliyahu Yamin was…

David Keuftedjian Out With Two Pair

Level 16: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 55/353 At Table 11 we witnessed David Keuftedjian lose his last hand and his tournament seat a few spots before the money ranks. With already 50k in the middle on the turn the board read and Keuftedjian bet 30k. His only opponent, Mariano Bucca called. The river fell and Keuftedjian…

Boban Stevanovic Lucks Out Against Liron Kroani

Level 16: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 61/353 At Table 11 Liron Kroani moved all-in from middle position for roughly 60,000 – 10 big blinds. After it was folded to Boban Stevanovic in the big blind, he called the all-in. Showdown: Liron Kroani: Boban Stevanovic: Board: Despite being the underdog, Stevanovic hit a full house and eliminated…

Suck! Re-Suck! Caruso Crippled.

Level 15: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 64/353 The hand started with Alberto Cigliano raising to 8k from middle position. Behind him, Andrius Janca moved all-in for 59,500. In the big blind Sebastiano Caruso mulled over his options and eventually called. After Cigliano folded, the hands were revealed. Andrius Janca: Sebastiano Caruso: The board fell – giving…

Uri Gilboa Takes Out Two With One Strike

Level 15: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 66/353 Rain Moelderkivi went all-in for 33k (a tad over 8 big blinds) from middle position and in the small blind Uri Gilboa called. Behind him in the big blind Alexandru Borcan only had half a big blind left and also called the all-in. Showdown: Rain Moelderkivi: Uri Gilboa: Alexandru…

Michele Iracani Takes Out Jan Maciej

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 73/353 Over at Table 8, Michele Iracani just managed to eliminate Jan Maciej. The two were all-in before the flop for roughly 12 big blinds each. Iracani hat while Maciej was on the come with . The board improved both players’ holdings: and with his set, Iracani won the pot…