End-of-Day 1c Chip Counts

Day 1c was a banner field attracting a whopping 870 entries with 134 players surviving with a min-cash into Sunday’s Day 2. Check out all of the final chip counts from Day 1c below: Player Chips Luigi Caputo 458,000 Keito Kaljulaid 455,000 Davide Ferrone 442,000 Flavio Esteves 410,500 Samuel Goodman 410,500 Sandro Fortunato 405,000 Jmax…

Francesco Biribao Bubbles Day 1c

Level 17: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 134/870 It was the cooler of all coolers to end Day 1c. Francesco Biribao raised nearly all his stack from the middle before button Matthias De Meulder shoved to put Biribao all in. Biribao snapped it off, but they had to wait for the rest of the tables to finish.…

Break Chips on the Day 1c Bubble

Level 17: 3,000/6,000 (6,000) Entries: 135/870 They are on the bubble as Level 17 begins after the break with 135 players left. They’ll bag up for the night after the next elimination. Name Chips BB Luigi Caputo 445,000 74 Theodoros Konstantinidis 440,000 73 Davide Ferrone 430,000 72 Sandro Fortunato 400,000 67 Flavio Esteves 380,000 63…

Spin Up on Table 18!

Level 16: 2,500/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 142/870 They are nearing the end of Day 1c with about 8 players to go until they bag up for the night, but the Cinderella story reported earlier by my partner in crime, Jason Glatzer, continues as the night winds down. To recall, Estonian Marco Keskel had 900 chips earlier…

Pyzara Over 300k

Level 15: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 152/870 Table big stack Kacper Pyzara raised early to 8,000 and only big blind Ioannis Poulios called to the flop of . Poulios check-called for 4,000 and hit the turn. Poulios checked again and Pyzara fired a roughly pot-sized bet of 30k, which was enough to get Poulios off his…

Colin Takes a Big One

Level 15: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 167/870 Florent Colin raised to 8,500 from the cutoff, and button Robert Berglund made it 23k to go. Colin called to flop where he check-raised from 15k to 35k. Berglund tanked for a bit but tossed in the call. The turn was and Colin hit the tank for a couple…

Diamonds Are Tadic’s Friend

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 190/870 Alexandros Dimogiorgis raised to 6,000 from the cutoff and Zvezdan Tadic defended his big blind. Tadic fired 3,000 on the flop and Dimogiorgis called to the turn. Both players checked to the river where Tadic check-called for 15k. He showed [8d5h] for the middle flush while Dimogiorgis mucked face…

Potential Cinderella Story for Keskel

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 209/870 We caught up with Estonia’s Marko Keskel while snapping a few photos of the Ladies Only final table. He shared quite the story, so for now, he deserves the nickname Marko “Cinderella” Keskel as he potentially has a true Cinderella story in the making. Keskel was down to crumbs…

Break Chips

Level 14: 1,500/3,000 (3,000) Entries: 219/870 Name Chips BB Igoe Saia 270,000 225 Gianluca Cabitza 255,000 213 Keito Kaljulaid 250,000 208 Piotr Tuczynski 245,000 204 Victor Fryda 245,000 204 Robert Berglund 220,000 183 Fabrizio Cocco 210,000 175 Angelo Tarallo 190,000 158 Florent Colin 190,000 158 Ashley Scott 120,000 100