No Spades

Level 3: 100/200 (200) Entries: 472/515 It was a bit of a strange hand just now at Table 44. After a raise from the middle, Kristian Previsic flatted next to act before the player to his left, Massino Casabona, made it 3,500 to go. Both players called to the all-spade flop of . After an…

Leotta Shoves Turn

Level 2: 100/100 (100) Entries: 454/474 I arrived at the table with the flop already out reading and four players with cards in front of them. It checked through the flop, but on the turn Antonio Greco made it 700 and got folds from Lyu Congliang and Gainluca Pagliaro. Antonino Leotta, from the small blind,…

Thomas Harnes Wins the €350 Freezeout (€7,870)

Norway’s Thomas Harnes defeated Poland’s Mateusz Piwowarczyk heads-up to win the €350 Freezeout on Thursday evening for €7,870. The event attracted 94 unique players as re-entries were prohibited to create a €28,576 prize pool. Check out all of the payouts below: Place Player Country Prize 1 Thomas Harnes Norway €7,870 2 Mateusz Piwowarczyk Poland €5,590…

White Knight (Part III) Begins

The third installment of the €150 NLH White Knight kicked off moments ago with a field of 39 entries. Players start with 15,000 in chips with blinds increasing every 20 minutes. Late registration will be open for a few hours with unlimited re-entries permitted until the start of Level 11. Vadim Gercev, who was at…

Sidikhin Flops Full House and Gets Paid

Level 2: 100/100 (100) Entries: 360/367 Neil Mulholland fired out for 6,500 into a pot of a bit more with the on the board after the turn and was called by Vladysalv Sidikhin. The river completed the board. Mulholland wasted no time in jamming the rest of his stack of approximately 9,000 and Sidikhin snap-called.…

Riga Takes One of Three

Level 1: 100/100 Entries: 353/357 Paolo Riga was just involved in three successive hands. After calling raises from the blinds in a couple of hands and having to give up his hand, he called from the button after Stephen Spiteri raised from the middle to 300. Big blind Eugene Ulanov also came along to the…

Day 1c Eclipses Day 1b

Level 1: 100/100 Entries: 317/319 Day 1c of the Main Event is officially the biggest thus far with 319 entries midway through Level 1. The previous biggest was yesterday’s Day 1b which attracted 310 entries into the mix. Two players already hit the rail. Fabrizio Ieone was the first player out and has yet to…

Adam Neighbour Wins White Knight (Part II)

The second €150 NLH White Knight took place on Thursday with 68 entries creating a €8,390 prize pool. United Kingdom’s Adam Neighbour defeated Charlampos Leontakis to win the €2,500 top prize and the title. Check out all of the NLH White Knight payouts below: Place Player Country Prize 1 Adam Neighbour United Kingdom €2,500 2…

Action Begins

Level 1: 100/100 Entries: 253/253 Cards are in the air for Day 1c. The field is already huge with 253 entries in the mix making all but a lock that this will be the biggest opening flight thus far with Day 1b attracting 310 entries during the 10 levels of late registration. Albert Sapiano, Martin…