Chris Da Silva and his Magic Coin

Level 9: 500/1,000 (1,000) Entries: 439/840 We caught up with 2019 Battle of Malta High Roller champion Chris Da Silva on the break while he was chatting with Charles Akadiri. Akadiri still has a stack but Da Silva was out of chips. “So, are you already on 300K?” we asked. “I was well on my…

Chips from Break

Level 9: 500/1,000 (1,000) Entries: 440/842 Name Chips BB Salvatore Dimartino 160,000 160 Marian Ivanov 155,000 155 Igor Saia 145,000 145 Rusen Mat 140,000 140 Giovanni Crescimone 140,000 140 Fabrizio Cocco 130,000 130 Marc Clausin 120,000 120 Antoine Talvard 118,000 118 Stephane Lachat 110,000 110 Andrea Cardinali 105,000 105  

Players Stretching Their Legs

Players are on their third break of the day. Blinds will increase to 500/1,000 with a 1,000 big blind ante when the action resumes in 20 minutes followed by 600/1,200 with a 1,200 big blind ante. The 75-minute dinner break will take place after these two levels. Late registration will close after the dinner break…

Todd Overbets River

Level 8: 400/800 (800) Entries: 469/812 Thomas Samuelsen Harnes raised his button to 1,900 and big blind Alex Todd called to the flop of . Both players checked to the turn where Todd led for 1,500. Harnes made the call to see on the river. Todd counted out an overbet of 12,200 and slid it…

Zizka Flushes Vietti to the Rail

Level 7: 300/600 (600) Entries: 499/775 Angelo Vietti checked with around 15,000 in the pot and the on the board after the turn before professional backgammon guru and recreational poker player Zdenek Zizka jammed for around 19,000. Vietti tanked for more than a minute before he called for a chip or two less. Angelo Vietti:…

Break Chips

  Name Chips BB Massimo Casabona 120,000 200 Salvatore Caruso 110,000 183 Josef Gulas 95,000 158 Lyu Congliang 95,000 158 Umberto Zanni 90,000 150 Giovanni Crescimone 87,000 145 Kristian Hagevik 82,000 137 Athir ALi 80,000 133 Martin Greizinger 80,000 133 Vittorio Morello 75,000 125  

Second Break

Players are on their second 20-minute break of Day 1c. Blinds will increase to 300/600 with a 600 big blind ante before moving onto 400/800 with a 800 big blind ante before another break takes place. So get up and stretch, and if you aren’t already playing think about joining the Main Event action or…

Lo Rillo Rivers It

Level 6: 200/500 (500) Entries: 519/741 I arrived at the table with the action done and dusted already but all the money in the middle two ways. Giovanni Logarzo had flopped two pair with king-queen to jump ahead of the pocket jacks for Giuseppe Lo Rillo, but a jack on the river elevated Lo Rillo…