Ladies Only ITM at the Final Table

The €150 FLIP Ladies Event is down to a final table of nine players after Giovanna Dimartino was the first player out in the money for a tenth-place finish worth €200. The final tablists each locked up at least a €290 payout with a healthy €2,720 top prize on the line. Monica Thingboe will kick…

Zukovs Doubles

Level 13: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 242/870 Andre Grech opened the betting under the gun, making it 4,200 to go. To his left, Alexandros Dimogiorgis raised it to 12k. The action folded around to Andrejs Zukovs on the button and he shipped his stack into the middle for 26k. Grech got out of the way, but…

Rau Snags Grech’s Stack

Level 13: 1,000/2,000 (2,000) Entries: 255/870 Jordan Grech jammed his short stack of less than 10 big blinds and was looked up by Eduard Rau. Jordan Grech: Eduard Rao: It was more or less a coin flip with Rau slightly ahead. Grech was unable to snag a piece of the runout and his chips went…

Brikker Doesn’t Brick

Level 12: 1,000/1,500 (1,500) Entries: 279/872 Salvatore Caruso raised to 4k from the button and Priit Brikker called from the big blind. They both checked the flop but Brikker led for 1,600 on the turn. Caruso called to see on the river, but he mucked when Brikker bet big with 14k. Salvatore Caruso – 75,000…

Ali Shoves Turn

Level 11: 600/1,200 (1,200) Entries: 308/872 Things started off with a raise from Domenico Avagliano from the middle, and four other players called, including button Athis Ali and big blind Leslaw Pajak. The flop came and it checked to Ali on the button and he fired 11,000. Pajak made the call before the rest of…

Ladies Good for Martinez

Level 11: 600/1,200 (1,200) Entries: 310/870 Yoan Dody from the button called a three-bet jam by Ivan Furniet Martinez from the small blind to 32,000. Ivan Furniet Martinez: Yoan Dody: Martinez didn’t have much of a sweat and doubled his stack after Dody’s nines didn’t get anywhere on the board. Ivan Furniet Martinez – 80,000…