Braco Mucks For A Huge Pot

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 16: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 43/193 Mindaugas Jonaitis got involved in a big pot heads-up against Pasquale Braco (pictured below) who check-raised Jonaitis’s bet of 13,000 to 47,000 on the flop. Jonaitis called and off to the turn on which Braco bet smaller than his raise – 42,000.…

€250 MAS Full Bounty Knockout Kicks Off

The €250 MAS Full Bounty, which is a 100% Knockout Tournament is now underway. It’s €220+€30 and players get €220 for every bounty they take. Should be interesting! The players are just beginning to take their seats for this rare structure. It’s very tempting to just quit the day job on the spot and buy-in…

Ntamaris Flips to Double

Level 30: 50,000/100,000 (100,000) Entries: 13/1,814 Fotios Ntamaris got all of his 1,195,000 chips in from the hijack against Giuseppe Rosa in the small blind. Fotios Ntamaris: Giuseppe Rosa: Rosa flopped some extra outs on , and was screaming for an ace on the turn. However, the river did not bring it, nor any of…

Updated Counts

Player Chip Count Big Blinds Jan-Joost Van Den Bogert 8,130,000 81 Erik Lindqwist 6,415,000 64 Giuseppe Rosa 5,730,000 57 Alfredo Cuti 5,345,000 53 Michal Janczarski 5,180,000 52 Daniel Maunders 5,055,000 51 Antonino Calabro 4,540,000 45 Rasmus Sepping 3,225,000 32 Antonino Arigo 3,090,000 31 Filippo Busatto 2,970,000 30 Nico Frenn 2,015,000 20 Vasileios Zisis 1,630,000 16…

Linkius Gets Paid

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 16: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 46/193 Sarunas Linkius jammed 63,000 over an open from Laurynas Vaitkevicius and got paid by Goulven Gauchet who was sitting in the small blind. Linkius opened his hand and it was two black bullets against Gauchet’s . Way behind Gauchet found a pair…

Second Break

The players are on their second break of Day 4. The action will resume in about 15 minutes with blinds at 50,000/100,000 along with a 100,000 big blind ante.   I giocatori sono alla seconda pausa del 4° giorno. L’azione riprenderà tra circa 15 minuti con i bui a 50.000/100.000 e un ante di 100.000…

Ungulaitis Is Short Of Luck

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 16: 2,000/4,000 (4,000) Entries: 50/193 Pasqualino DI Santo opened the pot top 8,000 and Mantas Ungulaitis put his last 10 blinds in, the other players folded and Di Santo asked for a count – 41,000 was the all-in and he called it. Mantas Ungulaitis: Pasqualino DI Santo:…

Marko Luksa Eliminated in 14th Place (€6,850)

Level 29: 40,000/80,000 (80,000) Entries: 13/1,814 Filippo Busatto had opened from middle position and the short-stacked Marko Luksa defended his big blind. He then check-raised all-in on the flop for his final 645,000 and Busatto made the call. Marko Luksa: Filippo Busatto: Luksa hit his flush on the turn, but Luksa had him drawing dead…

Rosa Cracks Aces to Double Up

Level 29: 40,000/80,000 (80,000) Entries: 15/1,814 Giuseppe Rosa opened under the gun and was called by Vasileios Zisis in the hijack. The flop then emerged from the deck, which saw Rosa continue for 150,000.  Zisis put in a raise to 475,000, after which Rosa quickly jammed all-in. A snap call followed from Zisis and the…