Papavramidis Plays It Tricky

Level 24: 10,000/25,000 (25,000) Entries: 52/1,814 Modestas Kryzanauskas raised to 50,000 in early position and he found one caller, Sokratis Papavramidis in the small blind. Both players checked through the subsequent flop of before Papavramidis checked again on the turn. Kryzanauskas fired in 50,000 chips, which Papavramdidis quickly raised to 160,000. Kryzanauskas instantly folded and…

Last Female Yuri Ishida Eliminated

The last standing female player in the tournament is no more. Japanese Yuri Ishida busted in 59th place for €3,500.  She was the only female player to make it to Day 3 of the tournament, while Bixi Yao who was eliminated on Day 2 was the second last. Yuri is a very experienced player and…

Updated Chip Counts

Player Chip Counts Big Blinds Rasmus Sepping 3,725,000 149 Antonino Calabro 3,025,000 121 Jakub Bosko 2,620,000 105 Vasileios Zisis 2,430,000 97 Giuseppe Rosa 2,195,000 88 Antonino Arigo 2,100,000 84 Alfredo Cuti 2,095,000 84 Erik Lindqwist 2,050,000 82 Alessio Mastrosimone 1,930,000 77 Daniel Maunders 1,755,000 70 Modestas Kryzanauskas 1,600,000 64 Filippo Busatto 1,515,000 61 Nicola Ciraolo…

First Break

After two-and-a-half hours of play, which saw almost half the field depart, the 54 remaining players have been sent on a 25-minute break. Dopo due ore e mezza di gioco, che hanno visto partire quasi la metà dei giocatori, i 54 rimasti sono stati mandati in pausa per 25 minuti.

Degiorgi’s Aces Get Cracked

Level 23: 10,000/20,000 (20,000) Entries: 55/1,814 One of the last hands before the break was played on table 10 and Massimo Degiorgi bet-called an all-in on the flop for his last 175,000 in a pot of nearly 200,000. Degiorgi had pocket aces against Dimitrio Gkatzas’s top pair. The turn was safe for Degiorgi, but the…

Cassibba Gets Rivered

Level 20: 10,000/20,000 (20,000) Entries: 55/1,814 Emanuele Cassibba got his final 130,000 chips in from the small blind on a flop of and was called by Jeremy Bametz in the hijack. Emanuele Cassiba: Jeremy Bametz: Cassiba had the best hand with his pair, but Bametz had a plethora of outs left in the deck. The…

Lyanyi Lu’s Day Got Worse

Level 23: 10,000/20,000 (20,000) Entries: 57/1,814 Lyanyi Lu who stone-bubbled Day 1B with a flip AK vs. QQ for a 400,000 stack still managed to get into Day 2 and even Day 3. He was heads-up against Marko Luksa who limped the small blind. Lu raised him to 50,000 and Luksa called and checked the…

Anzulewicz Gets Two-Outed, Busts

Level 23: 10,000/20,000 (20,000) Entries: 57/1,814 Tomasz Olszewski jammed all-in from the cutoff for 300,000 chips and was called by Michal Anzulewicz in the small blind. Tomas Olszewski: Michal Anzulewicz: Olszewski calmly took a sip from his drink as the flop saw him hit a set to reverse the domination situation. The turn and river…