First Break Begins

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final The 103 players left in the High Roller will now take a short break to freshen up. The ones that want to still enter or re-enter the tournament have their last chance to do so as late registration will be closed after the break ends. I 103 giocatori…

Ciraolo Back-Raise Shoves

Level 27: 25,000/50,000 (50,000) Entries: 22/1,814 Marko Luksa raised to 100,000 in middle position and was called by Alfredo Cutin in the cutoff and Nicola Ciraolo on the button. Antonino Arigo then made it 400,000 to go in the big blind, and the action folded to Ciraolo. He promptly jammed all-in, for what amounted to…

Nikitins Found Himself In A Bad Spot

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 10: 500/1,000 (1,000) Entries: 103/189 Sarunas Linkius re-raised an early position open to 5,500 and got shoved by Mihails Nikitins who was sitting on the small blind for roughly 35,000 chips. The original raiser folded and Linkius snap-called the all-in. Mihails Nikitins: Sarunas Linkius: Nikitins certainly didn’t…

Great Call From Vidar Oie

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 10: 500/1,000 (1,000) Entries: 103/186 Vidar Oie was the chip leader of BoM Main Event Day 1A and managed to finish 112th place out of the 1814 entries. He is now getting another chance at a trophy with the 1100€ High Roller. The action was between him…

Cuti Cuts Into Busatto’s Stack

Level 27: 25,000/50,000 (50,000 Entries: 22/1,814 Alfredo Cuti bet 425,000 into a pot of approximately 1,200,000 with the on the board after the turn and was called by Fillipo Busatto. The river brought even more action. Cuti asked to take a look at his opponent’s stack before he jammed for 2 million. Busatto, with about…

Incredible Crobu! Aces cracked from Khazaradze

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 500/1000/1000 96/174 Andrea Crobu opens under the gun and small blind calls. Kakha Khazaradze 3bet 6100 from the big blind and Crobu instant 4bet 20000 chips. The Georgian’s 5bet shove and Andrea’s call were equally instant. Crobu: Khazaradze: Board smooth on the flop but a on the…

Ntamaris Shoves on Janczarski

Level 27: 25,000/50,000 (50,000 Entries: 22/1,814 Fotios Ntamaris raised to 10,000 under the gun and was three-bet to 215,000 by Michal Janczarski in middle position. The action folded back to Ntamaris, who jammed all-in, covering Janczarski’s 1,355,000 stack. Janczarski instantly let his cards go as he left himself with 23 big blinds. Fotios Ntamaris –…

Lindqwist Makes It Four Bets

Level 27: 25,000/50,000 (50,000) Entries: 22/1,814 Dimitrios Gkatzas raised to 100,000 on the button and was reraised by Giuseppe Rosa in the small blind to 375,000. The action was then on Erik Lindqwist in the big blind, who weighed his options before putting in 925,000 chips. Gkatzas quickly folded, and Rosa eventually followed suit, seeing…

Last Level Of Late Registration

€1100 High Roller Amazing Bet Reggressive Final Level 10: 500/1,000 (1,000) Entries: 100/181 Level 10 has started with the same blinds as the last level and players will have the opportunity to register or re-enter until the end of the 20-minute break that will follow after the current level ends.