Sepping Still Leads Field

Player Chip Count Big Blinds Rasmus Sepping 5,405,000 135 Vasileios Zisis 3,750,000 94 Marko Luksa 3,645,000 91 Erik Lindqwist 3,600,000 90 Daniel Maunders 3,120,000 78 Antonino Calabro 2,695,000 67 Nico Frenn 2,680,000 67 Alfredo Cuti 2,275,000 57 Giuseppe Rosa 2,220,000 56 Kristian Dahl 2,170,000 54 Jakub Bosko 2,125,000 53 Sokratis Papavramidis 2,040,000 51 Nicola Ciraolo…

Final Break for Final Four Tables

Only 30 players remain in the BoM Main Event, and they have been sent on their second and final 25-minute break of the day. When they return, they will play two more 75-minute levels or down to 24 players, whichever comes first. Nel Main Event BoM sono rimasti solo 31 giocatori, che sono stati mandati…

Pre-Break Eliminations

Place Player Prize 32 Antoine Talvard €4,200 33 Egidijus Zube €4,200 34 Eimantas Pleksavicius €4,200 35 Nikolaou Spidridon €4,200 36 Tayfun Rodoplu €4,200 37 Jeremy Bametz €4,200 38 Alexandros Papadopulos €4,200 39 Tor Andre Nesse €4,200

Not A Great Flop For Calabro

Level 25: 10,000/30,000 (30,000) Entries: 35/1,814 Antonino Calabro opened from the middle position, on his left Alessio Mastrosimone flatted the 85,000 raise, and once again aggressive action by Vasileios Zisis who three-bet to 375,000. Calabro picked a bunch of orange chips and it looked like he was going to re-raise for a moment, but ended…

€330 PLO (4 Cards) Knockout Begins

Today’s non-Hold’em event is a €330 Knockout (non-progressive bounty) and it has just kicked-off, with 17 players joining within a few minutes of the start. Amongst the early entrants are Finnish player Samuel Newsome, who won Saturday’s Dark Knight II. There are eight 25 minute levels before late registration closes. L’evento non-Hold’em di oggi è…

10 players off Day 4

With Nikolaou Spidridon busting in 35th we are now 10 players away from Day 4. The day is going to be finished after two more levels or when we reach 24 players. There are 10 minutes left on Level 25 and the next two levels will be Level 26 with blinds at 20,000/40,000 and Level…

Spidridon Draws The Short Straw

Level 25: 10,000/30,000 (30,000) Entries: 35/1,814 Daniel Maunders opened the pot by raising it up to 60,000, a three-bet followed by Kristian Dahl to 180,000, and an all-in by Nikolaou Spidridon sitting on the small blind for another 600,000. Maunders folded and Dahl quickly put in the call. Nikolaou Spidridon: Kristian Dahl: Spidridon was ahead,…

Rodoplu Sent Out by Zisis

Level 25: 15,000/30,000 Entries 36/1,814 Tayfun Rodoplu checked from under the gun on a board of . With 500,000 chips already in the middle, Vasileios Zisis put him all-in from the hijack for 330,000 chips. Rodoplu took a few minutes to think things through but eventually found the call for his tournament life. Tayfun Rodoplu:…

Talvard Remains Alive

Level 25: 15,000/30,000 (30,000) Entries: 36/1,814 Antoine Talvard got his stack of 315,000 chips in from middle position and was called by Sebastien Vincendeau on the button. Antoine Talvard: Sebastian Vincendeau: Talvard paired his ace on the runout and doubled up as a result. Vincendeau, meanwhile, was left with 20 big blinds. Antoine Talvard: 705,000…