River Saves Papavramidis

Level 6: 200/500 (500) Entries: 210/282 Massimo Bruno opened for 1,000 from early position before Justina Andriukeviciute three-bet to 3,000 from late position. Sokratis Papavramidis four-bet shoved for 10,300. Bruno quickly folded while Andriukeviciute quickly called. Sokratis Papavramidis: Justina Andriukeviciute: Andriukeviciute pulled out far ahead on the flip after the flop and was further ahead…

Seven-Deuce Never Lose

Level 6: 200/500 (500) Entries: 208/279 On a completed board of , Karim Feddag made a bet of 11,600 out of the big blind, with 15,000 chips already in the middle. His opponent was Santo Sidoti in middle position, who mulled the situation over before tossing in a call. Feddag showed for a full house,…

Simonelli Min-Raises to Increase Big Stack

Level 6: 200/500 (500) Entries: 215/277 Leonardo Tomei had three-bet Giuseppe Simonelli preflop, leading to a pot of 7,000 chips and a flop of . Tomei then bet 5,000 chips from the small blind, which Simonelli raised to 10,000 in the cutoff. Tomei mulled it over for a bit before folding and showing the .…

Big Slick, Small Problem for Byrne

Level 6: 200/500 (500) Entries: 214/267 Vincenzo Teti opened for a min-raise from early position before Daiva Byrne three-bet to 2,500 from one seat over. Davide Iannaco cold-called from the cutoff and Teti dropped a few more chips into the pot before the landed on the flop. Teti checked before Byrne fired out for 3,000.…

Pipari Survives

Level 6: 200/500 (500) Entries: 215/267 In a pot of 10,500 chips, Dimitrios Gkatzas checked from early position to Gaetano Pipari in middle position. Pipari then made a bet of 5,000 on the board of and Gkatzas called. Gkatzas checked again on the river and Pipari flicked in another T-5,000 chip, leaving himself 2,000 chips…

Gaines Gains Chips With Rockets

Level 5: 200/400 (400) Entries: 215/250 Pietro Arzilli fired out for 7,000 into a spread pot of more than double that with the on the board when Glen Gaines went into the tank for more than a minute. Gaines eventually called and Arzilli turned over the for a bricked flush draw on the turn. Gaines’s…

Cerniauskas Buys Cheap Showdown

Level 5: 200/400 (400) Entries: 212/251 Daniel Benditkis had three-bet Laurynas Cerniauskas preflop, leading to a 5,500 pot on a flop of . Cerniauskas checked from middle position and Benditkis did the same on the button. The turn was also checked by both players before Cerniauskas made a small bet of 1,500 on the river.…

Cutri Shows One

Level 5: 200/400 (400) Entries: 206/240 With 12,500 chips already in the middle, Sophie Stubbes made a bet of 6,000 from the big blind on a board of . Her opponent was Luciano Cutri, who made the call in early position. The river saw Stubbes slow down with a check, after which Cutri wasted little…

Betic Battle Begins

The €250 Betic Battle kicked off with 39 players in their seats. Players don’t necessarily need 20/20 vision to play this event, however, the event does feature both a 20K starting stack and 20-minute blind levels until a winner is crowned. A total of 39 entries were in the mix at the early start of…

Hearts Bail Out Cimbolas

Level 5: 200/400 (400) Entries: 208/236 The action was caught on the turn, where Edas Cimbolas check-called Giovanni De Gregorio’s 3,300-chip bet on the board. With the pot having grown to more than 14,000 chips, Cimbolas checked once more out of the big blind when the river hit. His neighbour De Gregorio checked behind this…