The Dark Knight Returns

The third iteration of the €220 Dark Knight tournament has just started and has 36 players as it approaches the end of the first level. There are ten levels for late entry. There are more at the start today than there were for yesterday’s Dark Knight, which ended up with 81 players, suggesting this could…

First Four-Figure Payouts

Place Player Prize 189 Audrius Laimelis €1,080 190 Stavros Petychakis €1,080 191 Mario Galic €1,080 192 Adrian Ziemichod €1,080 193 Fabrizio D’Agostino €1,080 194 Youri Westerhoek €1,080 195 David Tavares €1,080 196 Salvatore Giliberti €1,080 197 Giuseppe Simonelli €1,080 198 Jens Voertmann €1,080 199 Tiago Serrazina €1,080 200 Daniele Maldonato €1,080 201 Tuomas Pellinen €1,080…

Salvatore Calls “Time” On Himself

Level 17: 2,000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 192/1,814 Action was already to the flop with already more than 100,000 in the heads-up pot between Guana Salvatore and Vincenzo Teti who re-raised Salvatore’s bet of 35,000 to 100,000 chips. After around 5 minutes of thinking Salvatore called time on himself and said “I feel like it should be…

Chip Up For Perra

Level 17: 2,000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 201/1,814 Enrico Perra opened from an early position, got a 10,000 call from the button, and a three-bet from Mario Galic that had the small blind posted. Perra didn’t think long and called the bet. Both players checked the flop, followed by a small 25,000 bet from Galic on the…

Mercieca big pot vs Papadoupolos

Livello 2000/5000/5000 205/272 player Apre James Mercieca 11.000 da hijack e dal cutoff 3betta 33.000 chips Paschalis Papadoupolos. All fold e gioca l’originale raiser. Flop: check e check Turn: , bet 23.000 Mercieca e call Papadupolos. River: check Mercieca e check behind del greco che mucka alla vista di e il maltese incassa un pot…

Papadopoulos Papadoubleos

Level 17: 2,000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 203/1,814 Pavle Pecelj and Paschalis Papadopoulos were heads up on a turn of . With 200,000 chips already in the middle, Pecelj checked to Papadopoulos, who went all-in for his final 40,000. Pecelj snap-called and the cards were tabled. Paschalis Papadopoulos: Pavle Pecelj: Papadopoulos faded Pecelj’s hearts and Broadway draws…

Loizos Folds Set in Three-Way Pot

Level 17: 2,000/5,000 Entries: 210/1,814 Jeremy Barmetz, Sokratis Papavramidis, and Anargyros Loizos all threw in 30,000 chips on a flop of , leading to a pot of more than 200,000 chips. The turn was then checked by all three players before the river completed the board. Barmetz made a bet of 52,000 from middle position…

Can Van de Bogert Find The Double ?

Level 17: 2,000/5,000 (5,000) Entries: 218/1,814 The action began with Michal Anzulewicz’s raise to 10,000 and ended with an all-in from Jan-Joost Van de Bogert who was sitting on the big. It was a 21-blinds all-in and Anzulewicz made the call. Jan-Joost Van de Bogert: Michal Anzulewicz: A flip, at first sight, turned a bit…

Min-Cashers of BoM Spring Edition Main Event

Place Player Prize 232 Alessio Vichi €900 233 Antonio Alba €900 234 Salvatore Capra €900 235 Riccardo Monti €900 236 Prela Niki €900 237 Ignotas Tamasauskas €900 238 Moreno Bonasera €900 239 Mark Vella €900 240 Fabio Fedullo €900 241 Niccolo Cadoni €900 242 Alfonso Speranza €900 243 Matthias Lang €900 244 Roberto Musu €900…